Monday, 18 March 2013


The post PREBIOTIC or PROBIOTIC? is the most active of this blog...
Therefore it must exist an interest in the subjetc.
So you may be interested in:
"The Pre- & Probiotics Online Event"

Event overview   Global pre- and probiotic markets are in good health, with a vast body of science that stands at some 7000+ publications over many decades.
But regulators, scientists and marketers do not always see eye-to-eye.
And so, despite this unparalleled cluster of nutrition research, Europe’s 2012 ban of all pre- and probiotic claims – and even use of the terms ‘prebiotic’ and ‘probiotic’ – has reverberated around the world and challenged the industry’s best formulation and marketing minds.
The science has changed, and so have the markets and laws that govern them, but sales for prebiotic cereals, probiotic drinks, yoghurts, pills represent a €22bn+ global market that continues to grow, especially in emerging economies.
Market estimates have that global market expanding about 30% to be worth €35bn in five years.
But can the functional foods category leader stay out in front as regulatory systems clamp marketing tools? And will the category always be defined by gut and immune health as scientific endeavour links gut microbiota status with conditions as wide-ranging as weight, depression, vaginal health, diabetes, energy even sports performance?
The Pre- and Probiotics 2013 online event will address all these issues – and more.
Who should attend?
Pre-and Probiotics 2013 targets marketers, researchers and formulators working in the food, beverage and dietary supplements sectors.
How to attend?
To get started, please complete the simple registration process below or, if you already have a WRBM Online Events account, please log in using your email address in the box located on the top right-hand side of the page.
I hope you enjoy the Event!!!

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